Big Biology Day 2024

What an incredible day it has been here in Cambridge, celebrating Big Biology Day 2024! This event, now in its 11th year, continues to grow in excitement and reach, bringing together families, students, and science enthusiasts from across the community. Organized by Cambridge Biologists, sponsored by AstraZeneca, and run in partnership with the Cambridge Festival, it offers a unique opportunity to ignite curiosity and a love for science in people of all ages.

The energy today was infectious, with so many families actively participating, asking insightful questions, and having fun while learning. It's always inspiring to see young minds light up with curiosity, and today was no exception. The enthusiasm in the room was palpable, with children and parents alike eager to explore the wonders of biology.

This year, it was the first time for CIMR and its themes around Molecules, Mechanisms, Medicine to be part of this fantastic event, something for all ages:

  1. Building Molecules, Dopamine, Penicillin and more – With this interactive session, participants worked together to build models of different molecules, including life-saving antibiotics like penicillin. This hands-on experience helped demystify molecular structures and explain what they do.

  2. Making Cells, Neurons, Blood Cells and more - This activity allowed participants to sculpt their own models of cells, from simple blood cells to sophisticated neurons. A great way to blend art and science, while learning about different cell types and organelles.

  3. Exploring Microscopy looking at Tissue Samples - Families had the chance to look down our microscopes to explore cells in different tissues - the brain, spinal cord, pancreas and more, sparking plenty of questions about how the body works.

Once again, I want to extend a huge thank you to my colleagues, Jenni, Adriana, Yahui, Aswathy, and Jessy, whose dedication helped to make today such a success. It’s always a team effort, and I’m grateful to be part of such a passionate group of people who are committed to sharing the wonders of biology with the world!



Cambridge Festival 2025


Voice Article - Ordering the disordered